Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Need help choosing a makeup foundation, looking for a one step liquid/powder combination?

I am looking for a foundation where I dont need to use powder and liquid. Something that is a combination of both. I dont have much time in the morning, and was wondering what anyone can reccomend? I been using Revlon one-step compact, but its not always available in stores for my color. Dream matte mousse also caught my eye, but I dont know much about the product, not sure how good it is or if I need powder with it.Need help choosing a makeup foundation, looking for a one step liquid/powder combination?
I think you need to try a cream to powder foundations. If you have an Avon Rep. in your area, ask her about Personal Match Cream to Powder Foundation. Its creamy formula goes on smooth and leaves a smooth powder matte finish. and It has sunscreen protection. It comes in a convenient compacts so touch ups are easy! Its quick too!Need help choosing a makeup foundation, looking for a one step liquid/powder combination?
You can also visit http://www.youravon.com/kinseyphillips and purchase it there also! Just choose direct shipping! Report Abuse

ive heard that Personal Match Cream to Powder Foundation is good but i dont know if it works...


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